Biopsychosocial Assessment

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Biopsychosocial Assessment

This document is used to gather important information about your life to provide a comprehensive framework for treatment.


house #, street name, suite/building #


Reason for Treatment

What is the reason you are seeking treatment? What are the problem behaviors or issues you are having?
What led you to seek therapy, now? You may have needed help, previously, but did not get help; why now?
Please list what your main goals are. What are you hoping to accomplish in therapy?
Please list what your main goals are. What are you hoping to accomplish in therapy?
Please list what your main goals are. What are you hoping to accomplish in therapy?

Medications & Substance Use

Include the name, dose, frequency, and purpose. e.g. Prozac 20mg 1 time daily for depression

Risk and Safety

***If you, currently, have any suicidal ideation, plan, and/or intent, please call 911 and/or visit your nearest emergency room.

Include date, method, reason, result (e.g. hospitalization?).
Include family relation, method, and circumstances.

***If you, currently, self-harm, please seek help by calling 911 and/or going to your nearest emergency room.

Include date, method, reason, result (e.g. medical care needed?).

***If you, currently, have any homicidal ideation, plan, and/or intent, please call 911 and/or visit your nearest emergency room.

History and Current Information

This can include sleeping too much, sleeping too little, hard time falling asleep, hard time staying asleep, nightmares, and incontinence.
This can include therapists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, dietitians, as well as programs you have completed Detox, IP, RTC, PHP, and IOP.
This includes serious illnesses, hospitalizations, surgeries, head injuries, severe accidents and injuries, allergies, and other medical conditions.
This includes showering, brushing your teeth, changing your clothes, wearing clean clothes, etc. Include the reason why you are challenged (e.g. physical limitations, lack of motivation).
This includes an eating disorder, picky eating, selective eating, food allergies, medical complications (e.g. diabetes, delayed gastric emptying), etc.
Include diagnoses, problems, and your relationship to the person(s).
This includes family, friends, close co-workers, treatment team, etc.
Include type of housing (e.g. house, apartment) and inhabitants relation to you.
Include name, age, how long you have been in the relationship, and your satisfaction with the relationship.
This includes court dates, recent arrests, warrants, etc.

Mood and General Symptoms

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