Electronic Health Records Intake Form

Robbins Chiropractic Center, PLLC

Please correct the errors described below.

In compliance with the requirements for the government EHR incentive program
Please supply the Front desk with Drivers License and Insurance Card

Family Info:


Add another pain location



CMS requires providers to report both race and ethnicity

Are you currently taking any medications? (Please include regularly used over the counter medications)

Add Medication

Do you have any medication allergies?

Add Medication Allergies

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Family Health History

Please mention below any health conditions or concerns you may have about your :





Brothers / Sisters:


Did you mother or father have any of the following:

Please indicate age when stroke occurred


  • We invite you to discuss with us any and all questions rega rding our services. The best health services are based "on a friendly, mutual u ndersta nding between provider and patient. Our policy requires payment in full for all services rendered at the time of visit, unless other arrangements have been made. If an accou nt is not paid within 90 days of service, you will be responsible for legal fees, collection fees and/or any other expenses incu rred in collecting your account.
  • "I authorize and direct insu ra nce companies, and/or attorneys, to pay directly to Robbins Chiropractic Center, PLLC such sums as may be due and owing this office for services rendered to me both by reason of an accident or illness, and by reason of any other bills that are due this Office, and to with hold such sums from any disa bility benefits, medical payment benefits, No-Fault benefits, health and accident benefits, worker's compensation benefits or any other insurance benefits obligated to reim burse me, or from any settlement, judgment or verdict on my behalf as may be necessa ry to adequately protect said Office. I hereby further give a lien to said Office against any and all insura nce benefits named herein, and any and all proceeds of settlement, judgment or verdict which may be paid to me as a result of the injuries or illness for which I have been treated by said Office. This is to act as an assignment of my rights and benefits to the extent of the Office's services provided.
  • I understand and agree that this u nderstanding does not constitute any consideration for the office to await payments and may demand payments from me immediately upon rendering services at their option. I authorize the office to release any information pertinent to my case to any insurance company, adjuster or attorney to facilitate collection under this agreement. I authorize the staff to perform any necessa ry services needed du ring diagnosis and treatment. I u nderstand X-Rays remain property of this clinic. I herby state and agree that a photocopy of this document will be as valid and binding on all parties involved as the original copy. I guarantee the above information to be correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • I have received a copy of this office's 'Notice of Privacy Practices' and will make myself aware of this office's and my own rights and obligations rega rding the protection and utilization of my own medical information.

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.


During your examination, the doctor may feel that x-rays will be needed in order to diagnosis your condition. We would like to make you aware that x-rays may be required, in order, to administer treatment. In order to perform x-rays on any patient our office requires the. patients consent for such tests to be performed.

I understand that my doctor may need x-rays in order to diagnosis my condition and I give permission of all needed diagnostic tests.

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.


I understand that if I am pregnant and have x-rays taken which expose my lower torso to radiation, it is possible to injure the fetus.

I have been advised that the ten (1O days following onset of a menstrual period are generally considered to be safe for x-ray exam.

With those factors in mind, I am advising my doctor that:

With full understanding of the above, and believing that I am not currently at risk, I wish to have an x-ray examination performed today if requested by my doctor.

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Your information will be encrypted.
