Health and Vision History Form

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Patient Information

Health History

Eyewear Assessment

Contact Lens Assessment

Eye Comfort

Please answer the following questions by selecting the option that best represents your answer.

1. Dryness, Grittiness or Scratchiness

a. Report the type of SYMPTOMS you experience and when they occur:

2. Soreness or Irritation

a. Report the type of SYMPTOMS you experience and when they occur:

3. Burning or Watering

a. Report the type of SYMPTOMS you experience and when they occur:

4. Eye Fatigue

a. Report the type of SYMPTOMS you experience and when they occur:

Lifestyle Index

This questionnaire is meant to help you doctor understand what you are experiencing on a regular basis - whether its caused by your eyes, posture, stress, etc. Your responses will help make sure you receive the best care possible.

Review of Health: Are there any health problems or anything for which you being treated that we do not know about?

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