Request for Services - Treatment


Please correct the errors described below.
Full legal name if different from preferred name
Describe your pronoun if it isn't listed
Street address including street number, suite, apartment etc.
Zip code
How did you hear about New Insights?
What service are you interested in? please note that not all treatment services are available at a given time
Is there anything you would like to say about the service you are looking for?
enter "Cash" if paying out of pocket

How can we help?

Please say a bit about what brought you here today for assistance. What problems are you having, and what are you hoping to accomplish?

list any previous mental health diagnoses or assessment services and approximate dates. In order to provide service that insurance will reimburse for, we have to have a diagnosis. If you have never had a diagnosis, but are having problems that are getting in the way for you, state this here. If you are experiencing distress or dysfunction in your life you will likely meet the criteria for a diagnosable condition and this will be assessed during your first, intake appointment

In this section say a bit about any problems you are currently having in the following areas. If you aren't having any problems, or the area does not apply, you may use "N/A" or "no problems" in that section:

Current Providers

Please list any current treatment providers you have for physical and/or mental health. We will not contact anybody listed without your permission and a signed release, but knowing who you are currently seeing helps either way.

List the name of the professional if applicable
Where do you receive care from this person? Please list the name of the clinic, hospital or organization

Thank you! We will be in touch about your request within one week of your submission. We will make every attempt to respond in the next 1 to 2 days.

Your information will be encrypted.
