In case of Emergency contact
The above information is to the best of my knowledge. I authorize my insurance benefits will be paid directly to the Physician(s). I understand that I am financially responsible for any balance remaining. I also authorize New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery L.L.C or insurance company to release any information required to process my claims.
Patient/Legal Guardian
Smoking Status:
I hereby authorize direct payment of my insurance benefits to New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery or the physician for my services rendered to my dependents or me by the physician or under their supervision. I understand that it is my responsibility to know my insurance benefits. I understand and agree that I will be responsible for any co-pay or balance due to New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery.
I certify that the information given by me under these programs is correct. I authorize the release of any of my, or my dependent's records to New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery that these programs may request. I hereby direct that payment of ml or my dependent's authorized benefits be made directly to New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery or the physician on my behalf.
I certify that I have received and read a copy of the New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery Patient InformationPrivacy Policy. I hereby authorize New Age or the physician to release any of my or my dependent's medical or incidental non-public personal information that may be necessary for medical evaluation, treatment, consultation, or processing of insurance benefits.
I certify that I understand the privacy risks of mail, phone calls and email. I hereby authorize New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery or physician to mail, call or email me with communications regarding my healthcare. This includes but not limited to appointment reminders, referral arraignments and laboratory results. I understand that I have the right to rescind this authorization at any time by notifying New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery.
I understand that I may receive a separate bill if my medical care includes lab, X-RAY or other diagnostic services. I further understand that I am financially responsible for any co-pay balance due for those services.
I hereby consent to an evaluation, testing and treatment as directed by New Age Foot & Ankle Surgery physician or his designee.
DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.
NAFA Participant
Arrival Screening for COVID-19
Q1 In the last 2 weeks, have you been in contact with someone who was confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19?
Q2 Have you traveled outside of VA in the last 2 weeks?
Q3 Have you had any Flu/Cold like symptoms in the past 10 days?
Q4 Do you or someone you live with have a respiratory illness?
1. Do you experience any pain in your legs or feet while at rest?
2. Do you have uncomfortable aching, fatigue, tingling, cramping or pain in your feet, calves, buttocks, hip, or thigh during walking/exercising?
3. IF yes to question TWO, does the pain go away when you stop walking/exercising?
4. IF yes to question TWO, does the pain go away when you stop walking/exercising?
5. Do you have an infection, skin wound, or ulcer on your leg or foot that is slow to heal over the past 8-12 weeks?
6. Are you over the age of 65?
7. Are you over the age of 50?
8. Do you have high cholesterol or other lipid (fat) problems or require cholesterol medication?
9. Do you have high blood pressure or take medication to reduce blood pressure?
10. Do you have diabetes?
11. Do you have a history of chronic kidney disease?
12. Do you currently or have you ever smoked?
13. Do you have history of stroke or mini-stroke (TIA)
14. Do you have a history of carotid stenosis, AA (Abdominal aortic aneurysm), and/or stent placement?
15. Other:
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