MYC Counseling--Therapeutic Group Referral

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This form is utilized for submitting a referral for therapeutic groups offered by Map Your Care Counseling.

Our groups are developed with evidence-based curriculum and help participants to build coping skills, navigate illness, caregiving and grief/loss, and find community.

By completing this form, you acknowledge the referred person has given consent to be referred and contacted by Map Your Care Counseling for the purpose of screening and providing additional information about group therapy options. Clients MUST be located in the state of Colorado to be eligible to participate.

Client Information

Referring Provider Information (Skip section if self referral)

The Serious Illness Group is a best fit for those with an illness expected to progress over time, is life-limiting/is incurable, and has had a significant impact on a person's quality of life. This group is not a best fit for someone experiencing chronic pain/chronic illness not tied to a diagnosis similar to those listed below.

The Caregiver Group is a best fit for those caring for someone (generally, though not exclusively, as a primary caregiving providing physical and/or functional care) with a diagnosis similar to those listed below.

The Anticipatory Grief Group is a best fit for those caring for (either as a primary caregiver or a loved one not assisting with physical/functional caregiving) someone with an advanced or terminal illness, likely on/eligible for palliative or hospice care with approximately 1 year prognosis or less. This is not an exact science-Please continue the form regardless if the applicant would benefit from this support!

To learn more about groups offered by Map Your Care Counseling, as well as other services, please visit our website at

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