Chiropractic Client Intake Form

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Patient Information

Emergency Contact

Insurance Information

Policy Holder

Responsible Party Information

Complaint Summary:

Health Summary


This office is committed to providing patients with quality health care services delivered with dignity and concern. Fulfilling this commitment requires the efforts of the doctors, therapists, staff and patient working together as a team to obtain the maximum results. Patient satisfaction is a vital interest to Minnesota Chiropractic and Rehabilitation (MCR) and its staff. MCR is required by law to abide by the terms of this Health Care Privacy Notice as well as other applicable federal and state laws governing privacy practices in health care. MCR may change and/or modify the terms of this notice at anytime without additional notice to you except to publicly post at MCR and/or make available to patients any updated notices. Photocopy of this notice is available to you upon request. The term provider refers to doctors and/or licensed professionals at MCR. MCR & our staff are committed to maintaining the privacy of your protected health information (PHI). PHI is information about you, including demographic information that may identify you and that may be related to your present, future and past physical or mental health or condition and the care and treatment you receive from our practice. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can obtain access to this information. Please read this notice and direct questions, misunderstandings or concern to the Compliance Officer of MCR. MCR may use & disclose your PHI for health care delivery purposes. Your PHI may be used and/or disclosed without your written authorization by the doctors and staff of MCR for the purposes of your care and treatment; paying your health care bills; and to support the operations of this practice. Your doctor and the staff will take all reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of your PHI. The Privacy Rule allows you the right to review and receive copies of your health care records as it relates to your health care. The request must in writing, allowing your provider 30 days to respond. Your provider may deny your request if it will cause harm to you or to another person. Your provider may charge a copy fee, which will be in compliance with State law. Your provider will comply with any reasonable request to have confidential communication by alternative means or at an alternative location if not doing so endangers you. You may request to have an amendment placed in your record if you disagree with anything in your record. This does not mean that anything will be removed or changed and the provider has the right to respond with a rebuttal statement if he/she feels it is necessary. You may revoke authorization, in writing, at any time, except in the event that the provider has acted as indicated in the doctor’s Authorization Notice. You have the right to file a written complaint with our Compliance Officer if you believe that any of your privacy rights have been violated. You can obtain a complaint form from the Compliance Officer and/or the Office of the Civil Rights. All complaints must be filed within 180 days of when you knew or should have known that the violation occurred. The Privacy Law prohibits MCR from taking any retaliatory actions against anyone who files a complaint. A more detailed, updated & comprehensive Health Care Privacy Notice is available for your review at MCR. I understand that MCR, its doctors & staff are accepting my case based on examination findings & believe the outlined treatment should produce change and/or improvement. However as with any diagnostic test, procedure, examination or doctors care a guarantee of improvement or complete recovery cannot be made and it is even possible that no change will occur. I further understand that in the practice of medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy & physical therapy there are some risks including but not limited to fractures, disk injuries, strokes, dislocations, sprains-strains, drug interactions & reactions and/or other injuries or side effects which cannot be pre-determined. I do not expect the doctor/provider to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and/or complications, and I wish to rely on the doctor/provider to exercise judgment during the course of the procedure(s) which the doctor/provider feels at the time is in my best interest. In addition, because psycho-social, spiritual, and cultural values affect a patient’s response to care, patients are allowed to express and follow spiritual beliefs and cultural practices that do not harm others or interfere with the planned course of treatment. Our office may contact you periodically regarding appointments, treatments, products, services, or charitable work performed by our office. You may choose to opt-out of any marketing or fundraising communications at any time. For your security and right to privacy, all staff has been trained in the area of patient record privacy and a privacy official has been designated to enforce those procedures in our office. We have taken all precautions that are known by this office to assure that your records are not readily available to those who do not need them. Patients have the right to refuse treatment, but must be aware of the probable consequences of refusing treatment and/or failing to cooperate with the prescribed treatment. Should you refuse and/or fail to comply with prescribed treatment your provider will discuss specific consequences with you. Therefore I give my full consent to the doctor/provider to render treatment on me or the minor for whom I am legally responsible by a health care provider. I, the assignee, being the patient or legal guardian for said minor listed below, do hereby irrevocably authorize, direct, assign and give a full lien to the office named above and listed below, hereinafter referred to as “MCR” against any & all insurance benefits, proceeds of any settlement, judgment or verdict which may be paid to the undersigned as a result of the injuries or illness for which I have been treated by MCR. I, the assignee further authorizes any and all insurance company, attorney and any & all third party payer to pay directly to MCR all sums of money due them for any & all services rendered to me or minor by whom I am responsible for by reason of accident, illness and by any & all reason of any other bills that are due or may become due, and to withhold such sums from any health & accident, workers compensation and or including all insurance or third party benefits. Assignee agrees that MCR & staff may deliver medical records, consultations, depositions and/or court appearances which must be paid in full in advance and authorizes MCR to release any information pertinent to said health care to any insurance company, adjuster, attorney or legal service bureau to facilitate collections under the terms of this document. Assignee grants MCR a full power of attorney to endorse &/or sign my name on any & all checks for payment of any indebtedness owed this office & assignee.


As a courtesy, Minnesota Chiropractic and Rehabilitation (MCR) will obtain a verification of applicable insurance benefits as they are quoted to us but some third party payers misquote benefits, coverage and liability. MCR is not responsible for what a third party payer and/or representative may tell us. Any contractual, written, verbal or other obligations or arrangements between you and an attorney, insurance company, liable or third party payer are between you and said person. I understand that my insurance is an arrangement between myself and my insurance company, NOT between MCR and my insurance company. I request that MCR prepare the customary forms at no charge so that I may obtain insurance benefits. I understand that I am responsible for charges on all service(s) and/or product(s) which may exceed the maximum allowable and/or when a third party and/or insurance carrier does not reimburse this facility enough to meet our cost of service. A service charge is computed by a ‘periodic rate’ of 1 ½ % per month-18% per annum and is added to all balances owed 60+ days. Any balance past due 90 days or more may be submitted to an attorney and/or agency for legal collection for which I agree to be 100% responsible for all monthly service charges, interest, costs related too but not limited to all collection related expenses, attorney fees, court & filing fees. Returned checks, debit & credit charges made payable to this facility for insufficient funds, stop payments or other reasons of non-payment will be assessed a $30.00 charge. No cancellation fee will be assessed for appointment cancellations made 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time or missed appointments may be assessed a missed appointment fee of $50.00.


By checking below I acknowledge that I have read or have had read to me and have received a photocopy upon my request of this document including the Health Care Privacy Notice, Facility terms & conditions, Financial Policy and Informed Consent and fully understand and have had all of my questions answered to my satisfaction. A photocopy of this document shall be considered as effective and valid as an original.

By checking the box below, I acknowledge the above.

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