Aurora Oaks Shelter Referrals

16357 Aurora Ave N Shoreline WA 98133

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Eligibility Questions

All referrals for shelter at The Oaks must meet HUD definitions and guidelines for homelessness.

The Oaks can provide shelter to individuals that meet one of these HUD Homeless Definitions:

1. Literally homelessness

2. Any individual or family who—

(A) is experiencing trauma or a lack of safety related to, or fleeing or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous, traumatic, or life-threatening conditions related to the violence against the individual or a family member in the individual’s or family’s current housing situation, including where the health and safety of children are jeopardized;

(B) has no other safe residence; and

(C) lacks the resources to obtain other safe permanent housing.

By completing this referral for The Oaks Shelter you are attesting to Lake City Partners, as another service provider, that this person meets one of these HUD definitions and will provide details about this as well.

Please note this is a HIPPA compliant form.

A break separating two occasions of homelessness is defined as at least seven consecutive nights in any non-qualifying location(s), such a friend’s or family member’s home, a hotel paid for by the individual, transitional housing, etc. or a stay in an institutional care facility – such as a jail, a substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, a hospital, or another similar facility – does not constitute a break in homelessness and counts towards documenting 12 months of homelessness if: 1. The duration of the stay was fewer than 90 days AND they met a HUD definition prior to entry.

Informational Questions

Is this person using intoxicants? Any mental health diagnosis or concerns? Have they been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons in the last year? Are they prescribed and taking any mental health/psychiatric medications ?
Are they talking any medications? Are they able to manage these on their own? Do they have any ADA needs or considerations?

We prefer referring agencies to be available for consultation prior to intake and welcome efforts during move-in to help facilitate a warm hand-off and supported transition where possible. Please have staff members who are making referrals reach out to with any questions or concerns.

Additional Information

● The Enhanced Shelter at The Oaks is a program focused on helping people move toward housing. People in the program should be ready and willing to fully engage and participate in a person-centered housing-first case plan with their assigned Case Manager. All participants will be assessed after 30 days for program continuation.

● The Enhanced Shelter at The Oaks is considered a low-barrier shelter

○ Participants do not need to be in possession of valid identification for admission into the shelter.

○ Participants do not need to be clean/sober provided that they:

■ aren’t a safety risk to themselves or others

■ are able to stand, walk, and get into and out of bed

■ aren’t in possession of, or actively using, intoxicating substances while on shelter property.

● We don't conduct background checks for shelter residents, and residents will not be prohibited from entry due to past convictions or pending cases, regardless of the charge. All residents have the right to access the shelter without discrimination due to race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical disability, and age.

● We welcome members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

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