I authorize the release of any information necessary to process claims. I request payment of benefits to Freedom Allergy. I understand I am financially responsible for charges not covered by insurance.
If your plan has a co-payment, deductible, and/or co-insurance, you will be expected to pay your portion prior to receiving any service including an office visit and/or immunotherapy. If you are on a high deductible plan, you will be required to pay a minimum of 50% at the time of service until we verify your deductible has been met.
Payment is due at the time of service unless prior financial arrangements have been made with our business office. Any account balance is expected to be paid in full prior to new services being rendered. Should it become necessary for Freedom Allergy to utilize the services of an outside collection agency, you may be held liable for collection agency fees and/or attorney fees.
I understand and agree if care at Freedom Allergy requires a primary care physician referral, it is my responsibility to see that the referral is current prior to receiving care at Freedom Allergy. If no referral is present in advance, I agree to pay for charges at the time of services.
By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.
Our Notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how we may use and disclose protected health information about you. The Notice contains a Patient’s Rights section describing your rights under the law. You have the right to review our Notice before signing this Consent. The terms of our Notice may change. If we change our Notice, you may obtain a revised copy by contacting our office.
You have the right to restrict how your protected health information is used and disclosed for treatment, payment or healthcare operations. We are not required to agree with this restriction, but if we do, we shall honor that agreement.
By signing this form, you consent to our use and disclosure of protected health information about you for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. You have the right to revoke this Consent in writing, signed by you. However, such a revocation will not be retroactive.
This Practice provides this form to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
This consent was signed by:
As provided by Privacy Rule Section 164.522(b), I hereby give permission for Freedom Allergy to communicate to me about appointments, lab results, and/or patient care by phone messages, texts, email, or fax.
I agree that the Freedom Allergy may disclose certain pieces of my health information to a person of my choosing, since such person is involved with my healthcare or payment relating to my healthcare. I give permission for Freedom Allergy to disclose the following information:
The indicated information may be disclosed either phone or email to:
*Patient signature is required for patients who are 18 years or older, or who have emancipated minor status, or a special condition as defined by law.
*Patient can cancel this authorization in writing at any time.
Your information will be encrypted.
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