Financial Policies
Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. We are committed to your treatment being pleasant and successful. It is our policy to inform you of our patient payment procedures. Please review the section below that is applicable to you. After review, please sign acknowledging your understanding and commitment.
______1. Patient With Insurance. You are responsible for deductibles, copays, non-covered services, coinsurance and items considered “not medically necessary” by your insurance company. Co-payments are required at time of service. If they are not received, they are subject to an extra $10 charge for extra billing procedures that will need to be performed. This charge is the responsibility of the patient and will not be billed to the insurance company. The practice will bill primary and secondary insurance companies for services provided. After your insurance company settles, you will be sent a statement indicating the remaining balance due. This statement is to be paid in full within 30 days of mailing. It is your responsibility to know your insurance plan benefits e.g. co-payment amount, co-insurance limits, maximum annual benefits, well child and immunization coverage/limitations, etc. If wrong information is given to the practice, incurred expenses will become your responsibility. If compelling reasons prevent you from making full payments, ask to meet with the billing agent. If payment arrangements have not been established, full payments are required. Cash, Check, or Credit Card (Master/Visa/Discover) is accepted. There is a return check fee of $35 per check returned from your institution.
______2. Worker’s Compensation Patient. As a Worker’s Compensation patient you may be covered by insurance if your injury is reported at work and verified with your employer. Be sure to inform the receptionist and nurse that your injury resulted during employment. Patient is ultimately responsible for any balance.
______3. Personal Injury (Accident). If you are a personal-injury patient, our office will bill the appropriate insurance companies. If we are unable to obtain payment, the charges for the services rendered will be your responsibility. Please give all information needed for billing. If an attorney is involved, provide their name and telephone numbers.
______4. Medicaid and Kid-Care. The practice will submit your Medicaid and Kid-Care charges to the applicable state sponsored insurance agency. You are responsible for any allowable co-payments. Co-payments are required at time of service
______5. Patients Without Insurance (Private Pay). Payment for your care is required at each patient visit. If payment cannot be made at each visit, ask to meet with the billing agent. If payment arrangements have not been established, full payments are required. Cash, Check, or Credit Card (Master/Visa/Discover) is accepted.
______6. Patients With Insurance That We Do Not Have Credentialing Agreements With. Payment for your care is required at each patient visit. If payment cannot be made at each visit, ask to meet with the billing agent. If payment arrangements have not been established, full payments are required. Cash, Check, or Credit Card (Master/Visa/Discover) is accepted.
Non-Clinical Charges
Patients will be responsible for any non-clinical fees accrued, such as missed appointments, forms($10/form), or walk-in/add-on fees ($10/patient).
Non-Covered/Patient responsibility charges
There may be diagnostic tests, procedures or surveys completed that are not covered by your insurance or are covered but applied to patient responsibility, coinsurance, or deductible. It is your responsibility to know your individual policy and make a payment of these charges.