Resolving Care Concerns

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Grandview Medical Centre is committed to providing high quality service to our patients. We treat a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with our service, which calls for a response.

We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service.

Formal complaints procedure:

  • Complete Complaint Report and submit.
  • The management team will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a reasonable time frame (approximately one week).
  • The management team will then meet to investigate the complaint.
  • The team may also arrange to meet with a complainant regarding the concern.
  • In order to address concerns, the team may review the complaint with the appropriate healthcare team member and ask him/her to provide input to a written response.
  • Any concerns regarding physicians will not be handled by management, and will be sent directly to the physician involved.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Clinic policy does not allow for switching physicians within the clinic.
  • Findings will be communicated back to you within four weeks, unless otherwise notified, i.e. timelines may be impacted by staff vacations, statutory holidays, etc.

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