Family Care Clinic | D. Blayne Laws, M.D. | Office 972-875-6700 | Fax 972-875-6790
ePrescribing is now being mandated by Congress for the purpose of providing error free, accurate prescriptions to a pharmacy from a physician. The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 listed standards that have to be included in an ePrescribe program. These include:
By signing this consent form you are agreeing that the Family Care Clinic can request and use your prescription medication history from other healthcare providers and or/third party pharmacy benefit payors for treatment purposes.
DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application
Patient Information
Fill out this section if patient is not the insurance policy holder.
This section must be filled out if the PATIENT IS A MINOR AND the patient's responsible party is not the insured.
I hereby give consent to receive text message/email appointment reminders and correspondence from my healthcare provider. I understand that consent is not a condition of receiving service. I understand and agree that any text message I receive may be sent by autodialer.
I. Who to Contact
I hereby give permission to the Family Care Clinic to disclose and discuss any information related to my medical condition(s) to/with the following family member(s), other relative(s) and/or close personal friend(s):
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II. How to Contact
I wish to be contacted in the following manner:
The duration of this authorization is indefinite unless otherwise revoked in writing. I understand that requests for medical information from persons not listed above will require specific authorization prior to the disclosure of any medical information.
hereby voluntarily consent to outpatient care at the office of D. Blayne Laws, M.D., encompassing routine diagnostic procedures, examinations and medical treatment, including (but not limited to) routine laboratory work (such as blood, urine, and other studies), taking of x-rays, heart tracing, and administration of medications prescribed by the physician.
2. I further consent to the performance of those diagnostic procedures, examinations and Rendering of medical treatment by the medical staff, their assistants, including physician's Assistants or their designees as are necessary in the medical staff's judgment.
3. RELEASE OF INFORMATION: (A) I authorize the clinic to release medical information to third party insurance carriers for the purpose of filing insurance claims related to my (his/her) medical care. (B) I further authorize the release of medical information about medic treatment here to my (his/her) doctor or any designated by me.
4. I understand that this consent form will be valid and remain in effect as long as I (he/she) attend(s) the office of D. Blayne Laws, M.D.
5. This form has been fully explained to me, and I understand its contents.
Our practice reserves the right to modify the privacy practices outlined in the notice.
I have reviewed this office's Notice of Privacy Practices, which explains how my medical Information will be used and disclosed. I undersand that I am entitled to receive a copy of your Notice of Privacy Practices.
Below you will find a list of financial policies for the Family Care Clinic. Please read and sign this statement to affirm that you have read, understand, and agree to these policies.
My policy with my insurance company is a contract between me and my insurance and it is my responsibility to:
The Family Care Clinic will do their best to understand your benefits for each visit. However, because of the large number of insurance plans we will not be able to know all aspects of each plan.
I have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the policies of the Family Care Clinic.
1. Policies on Controlled Rxs:
a. Due to the regulated nature of the stimulant/pain medications:
i.You will need to see Dr. Laws every 3 months. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.
ii.111.Your prescription will be written for 30 or 90 days.
iii. For a 30 day RX, 3 prescriptions will be sent with a different "fill by" date.You will need to fill these prescriptions within 30 days of the fill-by date or they will expire. We will not write a new rx for an expired prescription.
iv. For a 90 day Rx, a new prescription must be written each time.
b. We do not refill medications on the weekends or after hours.
c. There is a $10.00 charge if you need the prescription sent to a different pharmacy than the one specified at your appointment.
d. If you lose your pills you will need to wait until the next rx fill by date.
2. If you need a medication change for any reason, you will need to make an appointment.
3. All patients over 16 years of age will be drug tested. If you have a positive drug test we will no longer be able to prescribe stimulant medications for your ADD. This includes marijuana. You will be changed a non-stimulant medication.
4. DPS Screening will be done on all patients as required by state law.
I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the above policies.
Social History
Family History
Maternal GP
Paternal GP
Medical History
Surgical History
Health Maintenance
Annual Exam
Bone Density
Chest X-ray
Stress Test
Colonscope / BE
Eye Exam
Dental Exam
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