Epworth Sleepiness Scale

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What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

It is when your breathing stops or slows down while you are sleeping.

If you snore loudly or gasp for air when you sleep, or you are always tired, you may have OSA.

OSA is often present with other diseases. If OSA is overlooked, it could be bad for your health.

43 million Americans currently have OSA.

50% of patients with diabetes have OSA.

30% of patients with high blood pressure have OSA.

Complete the form below to know if you are at risk of OSA.

Instructions: Read the following 8 situations and rate them on a scale of 0-3 about your chance of dozing off. Be as truthful as possible. When you have finished, add your answers together and write the total in the Total Score box at the bottom of the scale.


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