- Medical Examiner Determination (Federal): Use this section for examinations performed in accordance with the FMCSRs (49 CFR 391.41-391.49). Complete the medical examiner determination section completely. When determining a driver’s physical qualification, please note that English language proficiency (49 CFR part 391.11: General qualifications of drivers) is not factored into that determination.
◦ Does not meet standards: Select this option when a driver is determined to be not qualified and provide an explanation of why the driver does not meet the standards in 49 CFR 391.41.
◦ Meets standards in 49 CFR 391.41; qualifies for 2-year certification: Select this option when a driver is determined to be qualified and will be issued a 2-year Medical Examiner’s Certificate.
◦ Meets standards, but periodic monitoring is required: Select this option when a driver is determined to be qualified but needs periodic monitoring and provide an explanation of why periodic monitoring is required. Select the corresponding time frame that the driver is qualified for, and if selecting “other” specify the time frame.
— Determination that driver meets standards: Select all categories that apply to the driver’s certification (e.g., wearing corrective lenses, accompanied by a waiver/exemption, driving within an exempt intracity zone, etc.).
◦ Determination pending: Select this option when more information is needed to make a qualification decision and specify a date, on or before the 45 day expiration date, for the driver to return to the medical exam office for follow-up. This will allow for a delay of the qualification decision for as many as 45 days. If the disposition of the pending examination is not updated via the National Registry on or before the 45 day expiration date, FMCSA will notify the examining medical examiner and the driver in writing that the examination is no longer valid and that the driver is required to be re-examined.
— MER amended: A Medical Examination Report Form (MER), MCSA-5875, may only be amended while in determination pending status for situations where new information (e.g., test results, etc.) has been received or there has been a change in the driver’s medical status since the initial examination, but prior to a final qualification determination. Select this option when a MedicalExamination Report Form, MCSA-5875, is being amended; provide the reason for the amendment, sign and date. In addition, initial and date any changes made on the Medical Examination ReportForm, MCSA-5875. A Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875, cannot be amended after an examination has been in determination pending status for more than 45 days or after a final qualification determination has been made. The driver is required to obtain a new physical examination and a new Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875, should be completed.
◦ Incomplete examination: Select this when the physical examination is not completed for any reason (e.g., driver decides they do not want to continue with the examination and leaves) other than situations outlined under determination pending.
◦ Medical Examiner information, signature and date: Provide your name, address, phone number, occupation, license, certificate, or registration number and issuing state, national registry number, signature and date.
◦ Medical Examiner’s Certificate Expiration Date: Enter the date the driver’s Medical Examiner’sCertificate (MEC) expires.