Booking Form. Answers to Your Questions. Let us get to know you!

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Welcome! My team and I are excited to meet you and together discover your child’s unique needs. We strive to provide you with clarity, peace of mind, and the confidence to set your child on the right path. The first step is to tell us about yourselves so we can better assist you.

Our data collection is compliant with Canadian privacy laws and equipped with state-of-the-art encryption and security features. Your privacy is our top priority.

-- Dr. Ryan Chan and Team

IMPORTANT: We are currently accepting youth ages 6 - 18 only. CONFIRMED appointments are available in July/August 2024 on a first come first serve basis after the completion of intake forms and payment.

We are currently ONLY accepting patients between the ages of 6-18 years. Thank you.

Have you visited the "Services", "About" and "FAQ" pages of our website? You may find your answers quicker by clicking here.

If you are a resident of British Columbia, you may be eligible for a public assessment through the BC Autism Assessment Network, referred by your General Practitioner or Pediatrician.

A private autism assessment:

  • Shortens wait-times. Our first appointments are in 22+ weeks.

  • Get clarity and peace of mind sooner

  • Earlier autism intervention

  • School support: BC Ministry of Education autism funding and support for each child diagnosed with ASD
  • Community funding: Up to $22,000 annually for children 0 - 5 and $6,000 annually for children 6 – 18 – Ministry of Children and Family Development ASD funding.

In British Columbia, an average private ASD assessment ranges from $2500 to $3700. Some places charge even more.

Dr. Chan provides expert autism assessment. An ASD assessment with Dr. Chan starts at $2999. *Additional charges may be added for extra time needed based on age and complexity.

Do you accept grants or extended health beneifts?

Good news! We accept grants (e.g. Private schools, Metis Family Services, etc.)

Extended health benefits generally do not cover Dr. Chan's services as a Psychiatrist, but in some cases they may. Please call your extended health provider to confirm if they cover services by a medical doctor.

Please complete the following Booking Form

A word about your privacy. Our data collection is compliant with Canadian privacy laws and equipped with state-of-the-art encryption and security features. While we take every measure to secure your privacy, it is important you understand and consent to the limitations of online security before sending us any sensitive, private or confidential information

Please review, complete and submit the Consent to Use Electronic Communication Form before submitting any confidential or personal information. Download it here and use our secure file transfer found below. Your privacy is our top priority.

Booking Form. Your answers will help us better understand your child's needs. We will be in touch once we have reviewed your responses.

Dr. Chan only speaks English and we do not yet have interpreter services. You may want to call larger clinics who may have interpreter services or clinicians who speak other languages such as Able Clinic or Southpoint Developmental Centre

Your child is considered a mature minor. Dr. Chan must respect your child's wishes at this age. Please contact us again when your child is in favor of being assessed by Dr. Chan.

Necessary if guardians live separately and share guardianshp
Necessary if Guardians live separately and share guardianship
Necessary if Guardians live separately and share guardianship
Necessary if Guardians live separately and share guardianship

**IMPORTANT** Please arrange a medical visit for your child with the above physician. This is necessary before proceeding with our services. Please check back with us once your child has visited their doctor.

It ensures that your child’s physician is up to date with your child’s health. It also allows for a physician referral for a supplemental, free mental health assessment (if applicable).

Secure communication with your child's physician
Secure communication with your child's physician

Dr. Chan wants the best for your child. He recommends a Developmental Pediatrician who provides private autism assessments, or in the case of a child who will not speak to doctors, a clinic with a one-way mirror for the assessment. Sunny Hill has both of these available through public assessment.

Enter N/A if none

At this time, we are unable to proceed. An autism assessment can destabilize and place your child at further risk. Dr. Chan cares deeply about your child's safety. Please speak to your child's doctor and (if applicable) mental health clinician to stabilize your child's mental health or adjustment to life changes before seeking an autism assessment with us.

If you require immediate assistance, please call 9-1-1.

It is best to do a mental health assessment TOGETHER with an autism assessment, especially if you checked off any of the above MENTAL HEALTH boxes. A mental health assessessment searches for conditions like anxiety or ADHD and allows Dr. Chan to better understand and help your child. It does not delay the wait time for an ASD assessment and is free. For more information, please watch this short clip-> What is a mental health assessment?

Please upload our requested forms here

    Please upload a file

    CLICK "SUBMIT" BELOW to send us this form. We will be in touch within 2 - 3 business days.

    Thank you for visiting Dr. Ryan Chan Autism Assessment Services where we help you Get Clarity.


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