9101 N. Central Expressway, Suite 360, Dallas, TX 75231 214-271-4585 Fax 214-271-4581

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Industry Relationships

The relationship between physician and industry is important to the advancement of spine care treatment. Dr. Callewart is active with research and development of surgical procedures, instrumentation and techniques in the area of spine care. As part of this work, Dr. Callewart provides consulting services on new products as well as research and development. Additionally, Dr. Callewart gives instructional lectures on implants and surgical techniques for other doctors and medical professionals. In return for this time and expertise, Dr. Callewart could be paid a consulting fee which is in accordance with fair market value.

Dr. Callewart has industry relationships with the following companies:

Phy Gen

Facility Relationships

Dr. Callewart also has financial interests in medical facilities in the Dallas area. The facilities and Dr. Callewart are committedtoproviding safe, quality, and specialized spine care facilities and treatment to our patients. Patients always have the option of utilizinganalternate health care facility. If you are interested in using a facility Dr. Callewart does not have a financial relationship with, pleaseaskone of our representatives for a list of all facilities.

The facilities Dr. Callewart has a financial relationship with are:

Baylor Uptown

Methodist Hospital for Surgery

By signing below, I acknowledge I have the option to utilize an alternate health care facility.

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