Electronic Communication Consent Form

Dr. Aaron Tropmann & Dr. Gary Oyster

Please correct the errors described below.

I consent to Aaron Tropmann DDS., PA. & Gary D. Oyster, DDS. contacting me electronically by the
email address and/or cell phone below for the purpose of receiving appointment reminders, notification
that I need to make an appointment, dental records, survey regarding dental visit, or reminders of
uncompleted treatment.

I understand that during the transmission of these messages, the information contained at one point or
another may pass through a public network and onto a personal electronic device and as such the
transmission may not be secure. However, the practice will not transmit any personal or confidential
information about your health, procedures or account status without your permission. (Please note that
email messages from our office are encrypted if the message contains any personal health information).

I agree to inform the practice if my email address or cell phone number changes. I understand and
acknowledge that I can cancel this consent at any time.

If you would NOT like to be contacted by email or text messages you may Opt Out of one or both by
initialing below.* If you change your mind at any time, you may call us at (919) 876-2087.

By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Your information will be encrypted.
