617 5th Ave S. Edmonds, WA 98020
We do not have a system that can verify whether or not your insurance is covered for your preferred Provider. Is it your responsibility to verify that your doctor is in network.
**Also, Please contact your Insurance to see if you are covered and if a Prior Authorization for Acupuncture is needed**
Dr. Jennifer Lush, Dr. Robin Sinclair and Dr. Erin Tausend have transitioned to a combined membership/concierge model, providing enhanced and personalized healthcare services to their patients. This transition reflects our commitment to offering flexible and comprehensive healthcare options tailored to the diverse needs of our patients. For more information on the plans, please see our website page https://www.northseattlenaturalmedicine.com/about-3-1
Please make your selection below:
List your current health concerns that you would like to address at your intake visit (prioritize in order of importance). Please specify "annual exam" if you want this appointment to be your routine annual physical. Please note, additional concerns may require additional appointments to address.
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