ACP Release of Information

For questions about this form, please call 330-264-9597.

Please correct the errors described below.
List ONLY ONE organization per form. If additional forms are needed, please call the office at 330.264.9597. Only complete if answered "Other" in previous field.

I expressly consent to the release of information designated above. I understand and acknowledge that this authorization extends to all or any part of the records designated above which may include treatment for mental illness (ORC 5122) and/or substance use (42 CFR Part II). Refusal to consent means that the information will not be requested or released. I understand that my care and payment for my care will not be affected without a release of information, but that refusal may hamper further evaluation and treatment. If no date, event or condition upon which consent will expire is noted, this consent will expire 90 days from the signing of the authorization. I have read and fully understand the content of this form, or this has been fully explained to me in a language that I understand. I understand that information disclosed to the recipient may no longer be protected by HIPAA and/or 42 CFR II.

Notice regarding non-residential parents: A non-residential parent is entitled to any record that is related to the child unless the court determines and issues an order that it would not be in the best interest of the child for the non-residential parent to have access to the records. (ORC 3109.051)

For requested/requesting organization only: Prohibition against redisclosure: This information has been disclosed to you from records protected by federal confidentiality rules which prohibit you from making any further disclosures of this information unless expressly permitted by consent of the person to whom it pertains or as otherwise permitted by 42 CFR Part II. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is not sufficient for this purpose. Federal rules restrict any use of information to criminally investigate or prosecute any substance use consumer. (These conditions apply to all information disclosed.) Notice of receiving agency/person: Under the provisions of the Ohio Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, you may not disclose any of this information unless the person who consented to this disclosure specifically consents to such redisclosure.

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