Prescription Refill Policy

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Prescription Refills

Prescriptions will be refilled at each appointment, following re-evaluation of your condition and medical needs. We will provide you with enough medication and refills, if needed, until your next recommended appointment. It is up to you, the patient to schedule this appointment.

In the event of an emergency (e.g., while out of town or on weekends) small amounts of medication may be available directly from a pharmacist for up to 72 hours.

Scheduling and/or rescheduling appointments and refilling medication remains the patient’s privilege and responsibility.

In-between appointment refills

Any refills needed before or after your appointment, not occasioned by emergencies, will be subject to a $25 fee (which is not reimbursable by your health plan coverage). If such a refill is needed, please have your pharmacy send an electronic refill request or fax the refill request to our office at (833) 262-4857 and we will attempt to respond the next business day.

Again, scheduling/rescheduling appointments and refilling medication remain the patient’s privilege and responsibility.

Controlled Substance Refills

Ritalin, Focalin, Concerta (methylphenidate), Adderall (amphetamine salt), and Vyvanse prescriptions are required by Illinois law to be electronically prescribed or handwritten (telephonic prescriptions and refills are not permitted) and expire 90 days following the prescription date. Should the prescription expire, the expired prescription must be returned for our records, and a re-written prescription may be obtained.

The fee for such refills is $25 (which also is not reimbursable by your health plan coverage—again, this fee is waived in cases of rescheduling due to emergency).

All fees must be paid prior to your next appointment.

I have read and acknowledge your Prescription Refill Policy.

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