New Patient Questionnaire

Pacific Sleep Program

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      The Epworth Sleepiness Scale

      How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? Even if you have not done some of these things recently, give a general estimate for each situation.

      0: NEVER doze

      1: SLIGHT chance of dozing

      2: MODERATE chance of dozing

      3: HIGH chance of dozing

      Chance of dozing (0–3)

      Sitting and reading

      Watching TV

      Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g., a theater or a meeting)

      As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break

      Lying down to rest in the afternoon when the circumstances permit

      Sitting and talking to someone

      Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol

      In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic

      Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:

      Please list the physicians who should receive a copy of your sleep study results:

      Add new row

      If Yes, when and where:


      Sleep Patterns

      Please complete the following questions about your sleep patterns as best you can. You may, if you wish, have a bed partner or family member complete this section with you.

      Bed Time

      Rise Time

      How long it takes you to fall asleep

      Typical sleep schedule on work days

      Typical sleep schedule on days off

      If Yes, how frequently do you nap?

      Please answer the following questions by placing an “X” under the option that best fits.

      Seldom/ never


      Usually/ always

      Do you feel like your sleep is unrefreshing?

      Is your sleep area cool, dark, and quiet?

      Are you bothered by outside lights or noises when you sleep?

      Do you watch TV or use electronic devices (computer, tablets, etc.) before bed?

      Do you lie awake at night feeling worried or depressed or with your mind “racing”?

      Do pain issues disturb your sleep?

      If Yes, please answer the following questions by placing an “X” under the option that best fits:

      Seldom/ never


      Usually/ always

      Does your bed partner “elbow” you to change positions during sleep?

      Does your bed partner use earplugs or leave the room due to your snoring?

      Please answer the following questions by placing an “X” under the option that best fits.

      Seldom/ never


      Usually/ always

      Have you been told (by anyone) that you snore?

      Have you been told that you snore loudly and bother others?

      Have you been told that you appear to stop breathing during sleep?

      Are you aware of choking or gasping awake during sleep?

      Do you awaken with your mouth or throat dry and irritated?

      Do you have bothersome nasal congestion during sleep?

      If Yes, how often?

      Please answer the following questions by placing an “X” under the option that best fits

      Seldom/ never


      Usually/ always

      Do you awaken from sleep for heartburn (reflux or GERD)?

      Do you awaken from sleep with night sweats?

      Do you awaken from sleep with a headache?

      Do you awaken from sleep with chest pain or your heart racing?

      Are you aware of grinding your teeth during sleep, or has a dentist told you that you do this?

      If Yes, do you wear a night guard?

      Do you have any history of orthodontic treatment (such as braces)?

      Have you had any weight changes over the past few years to 5 years?

      Enter pounds gained OR pounds lost. Please do not fill in both boxes.

      Are you drowsy or sleepy during your regular awake hours?

      Do you have problems with memory or concentration?

      Lately, have you felt more depressed or more anxious?

      Do you use coffee, caffeine drinks, or stimulants to stay alert?

      Do you feel sleepy when driving?

      Do you experience persistent, uncomfortable feelings in your legs and/or arms while sitting or lying down?

      Do unpleasant feelings in your legs make it difficult for you to get to sleep or awaken you at night?

      Do you twitch or make sudden jerking movements during sleep?

      Do you awaken yourself or your bed partner by kicking during sleep?

      Medical History

      Please check all that apply to you.

      Surgical History

      Please check all that apply to you.

      Social History

      (If you can’t remember the exact date, give your best approximation)

      If yes, how many alcoholic drinks do you have during the week?

      If yes, which types and how often per week?

      Family History

      If you didn’t check either box above, please complete below.


      Please list all of your current medications and dosages, including non-prescription medications.

      Add new row

      If Yes, please list each medication or substance you are allergic to and explain how you react to it below:

      Add new row

      Thank you for completing the form. The information has been routed in a secure, HIPAA-compliant manner to Pacific Sleep Program in anticipation of your upcoming appointment.

      If you have any questions, please contact us at (503) 228-4414. We look forward to seeing you at your appointment!

      Your information will be encrypted.
