HIPAA Consent and Required Government Forms

Affiliated Dermatologists of Virginia

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Our notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how we may use and disclose your protected health information. It contains a section on Patient Rights outlining your rights under the law. You have a right to view our Notice before signing this consent. The terms of our Notice may change. If so, you may obtain a copy by contacting our office.

You have a right to request that we restrict how your protected health information is used or disclosed for treatment, payment and healthcare operations. We are not required to agree to such restriction but if we agree, we will honor that agreement.

By signing this form, you agree to our use and disclosure of your protected health information for treatment, payment and healthcare operations. You have a right to revoke this consent, in writing signed by you. Such a revocation will no affect any disclosures already made in reliance upon your prior consent. This form is provided to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

The patient (or responsible party) understands that:

  • Protected health information may be disclosed for purposes of treatment, payment and healthcare operations, or for other purposes permitted or required by law.
  • The office has a Notice of Privacy Practices and the patient has the opportunity to review the Notice.
  • The office reserves the right to change the Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • The patient has the right to restrict the use of their information but the office does not have to agree to the restrictions.
  • The patient has the right to revoke this consent in writing and all future disclosures will then cease.
  • We will obtain a separate authorization for “subsidized” disclosures, meaning disclosures involving products or services with respect to which the Practice receives remuneration from a third party.

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

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Recent government regulations require that patients be given the opportunity to self-declare their race, ethnicity and primary language. These categories are predefined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Providing this information is voluntary and does not affect the coordination of your care. We understand this information is sensitive and we hope you will find our process as considerate and efficient as possible.

Your information will be encrypted.
