Patient Name:
Preferred Pharmacy:
Emergency Contact:
By signing below I understand and agree to the below statements:
DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.
, do understand that Brunswick Family Medicine providers will not automatically prescribe narcotic/controlled substance-based medication to any patient. It is up to each provider to exercise professional judgment regarding whether to prescribe narcotic/controlled substance-based medication to patients in accordance with Brunswick Family Medicine policies and procedures and all applicable laws (see North Carolina Controlled Substances Act, NCGS §90).
Should it be determined that I require such a prescription, I shall be required to execute a “Controlled Medication Treatment Agreement”, the terms of which will be explained to me. If applicable, I will be required to renew this agreement on an annual basis or when any changes are made (e.g., change in dosage or the addition of a new medication that is a narcotic or controlled substance). Violation of any executed Controlled Medication Treatment Agreement will result in discharge from the practice. I also understand that providers will not write prescriptions for any narcotic/controlled-substance based medications during my initial visit without a full evaluation in which the provider determines necessity and a review of all appropriate records from previous providers. Brunswick Family Medicine may also choose to coordinate my care with other experts, including but not limited to pain management specialists, neurologists and psychiatrists when managing chronic pain.
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In regards to HIPAA our office is not allowed to release any of your medical information to others unless we have your written consent.
Brunswick Family Medicine, PA has a formal policy regarding “no shows”. A “no show” is defined as a scheduled appointment that the patient does not keep and does not call to cancel.
We understand that there are extenuating circumstances beyond your control that may lead to missed appointments, but we request that you call us as much in advance as possible to cancel (at least 3 or more hours prior to appointment time). When we reserve appointment time for patients who do not come, we deprive other patients in need of care. After your 3rd no show visit you may be dismissed from our practice and asked to find a new provider within 30 days. By signing below I acknowledge that I fully understand the above policy. I am aware that possible termination from Brunswick Family Medicine, PA may occur if I miss 3 scheduled appointments without giving proper notice.
Good communication between patients, providers and provider support staff is the key to better health & outcomes. Our providers and staff are committed to providing you the highest quality medical care. This can best be accomplished by a clear understanding about our responsibilities to you, and your rights and responsibilities as a patient in our practice.
Our Responsibilities to You:
Your Responsibilities to Us:
PLEASE NOTE: Same day appointments are available as needed. When the office is closed, we have an answering service that will contact the provider on call to address medical issues, which cannot wait until regular office hours. It is important that you keep all scheduled appointments and notify us at lease 3 hours or more in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule appointments. Urgent or Emergent Care: Please attempt to call the provider on call before going to an after-hours urgent care facility or to an emergency room unless you believe you have a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention. By signing below, you indicate that you have read this document, that it is your wish to join our medical home and to do your best to abide by the statements listed above. This is not a legally binding contract, but is intended to provide a framework upon which we can build a relationship that will allow you to maximize your health state in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Formulary Benefit data is maintained for health insurance providers by organizations known as Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM). PBM's are third-party administrators of prescription drug programs whose primary responsibilities are processing and paying prescription drug claims. They also develop and maintain formularies, which are lists of dispensable drugs covered by a particular drug benefit plan. Having access to your data as maintained by the PBM's to know what medications have been prescribed to you in the past, and to know what drugs are covered by your insurance plan is very helpful and beneficial to us as your primary care provider. By signing below, you give your permission for Brunswick Family Medicine to access your pharmacy benefits data electronically. This consent will enable us to:
In summary, we ask your permission to obtain formulary information and information about other prescriptions by other providers using this electronic system.
With Patient Record Sharing, we can securely exchange your medical records with other participating providers regardless of where you receive care. Your records will only be exchanged with healthcare organizations where you've been treated. Patient Record Sharing will benefit you in the following ways:
(name of medication, dosage (mg’s), and directions on how to take) Please included all prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements
Which of the following conditions are you currently being treated or have been treated for in the past?
Please put a checkmark in all applicable boxes
PLEASE PROVIDE US A COPY OF YOUR MOST RECENT SLEEP STUDY - we are unable to sign for supplies, etc. without a copy on file!
Note: Please provide a copy for your chart
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