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If a patient replies "yes" to any of the screening questions, and his/her body temperature is below 37.3 C° (99.14 F), the dentist should defer the treatment until 14 days after the exposure event. The patient should be instructed to self-quarantine at home and report any fever experience or flu-like syndrome to the local health department.
If a patient replies "yes" to any of the screening questions, and his/her body temperature is 37.3 C° (99.14 F) or above, the patient should be immediately quarantined, and the dental professionals should report to the infection control department of the hospital or the local health department.
If a patient replies "no" to all the screening questions, and his/her body temperature is below 37.3 C° (99.14 F), the dentist can treat the patient with extra- protection measures, and avoid spatter or aerosol-generating procedures to the best of their ability.
If a patient replies "no" to all the screening questions, but his/her body temperature is more than 37.3 C° (99.14 F), the patient should be instructed to the fever clinics or special clinics for COVID-19 for further medical care.
Peng, X., Xu, Li, Y. et al. Transmission routes of 2019-nCov and controls in dental practice. Int J Oral Sci 12, 9 (2020). Retrieved from March 16, 2020
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