9 to 24 Months PDQ-ll Questionnaire
1. Mama/Dada, Non-Specific
2. Pulls To Stand
3. Gets to Sitting
4. Combines Syllables
5. Thumb Finger Grasp
6. Plays-Pat-A-Cake
7. Stands - 5 Seconds
8. Jabbers
9. Indicates Wants
10. Mama / Dada Specific
11. Stands Alone
12. Puts Toy in Cup
13. Waves Bye-Bye
14. Stoops and Recovers
15. Walks well
16. One Word
17. Plays ball
18. Scribbles
19. Two Words
20. Drinks from a Cup
21. Helps in House
22. Three Words
23. Dumps Raisin
24. Uses Spoon/Fork
25. Runs
26. Tower of 3 Cubes
27. Six Words
28. Kicks Ball Forward
29. Removes Garment
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