New Patient Release of Records

Please correct the errors described below.

Records Release Request

If you have seen a specialist (for extraction, orthodontics, root canal or gum issues or anything else) in the past 3-5 years please list their contact information below. Failure to do so may result in insurance limitations being applied and charges you may be responsible for.

I hereby authorize the release of my dental record or copies of such and request that they be transferred

River Forest Dental Studio
344 Lathrop Ave, River Forest, IL, 60305
Phone: (708) 366-6760
Fax: (708) 366-6762

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

X-Rays Requested:

DISCLAIMER: By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Your information will be encrypted.
